Worlds are dying so let them die. Stop fighting what’s already in motion. Lay your burden down.
With death, there comes resurrection; endless resurrections are within reach, if you are open to birthing God. The new worlds you are creating through your very being testify to God coming to be. This is evolution in you, through you, and around you. It’s for you! “Be a midwife to divinity” (Ilia Delio) by laying your burden down. Become undone.
Discernment is a skill and an art. Practice and play, play and practice. Die and be reborn, be reborn and die some more.
Love is “the attraction of all things toward all things” (Richard Rohr). Like attracts like. You’re made to evolve, to move towards love, to birth God, Love.
The Spirit is disrupting the established order within you and your life; you know the order—your likes and dislikes, not so life giving habits and even the ones that are, fears and dreams. All is being cast into the fire. The Spirit is dismantling all that stands in the way of Love. Thank God! You’ve been locked up for too long. You were never made for a cage. You were born wild and free. Open yourself up to the end being the beginning and the beginning being the end. Don’t fret over the process. The Light always wins! Death is not the end. Love has the final word.
To taste the sweetness of Love, devote yourself to bearing that which you’re made to carry and birth through you—the Divine! You know her name, how she feels against your skin, makes your heart pitter-patter, and soothes all edges with her gaze. I’m with you. We all are with you, all the angels and saints, blessed ancestors, and all your beloved too.