In the light of night and the dark of day, there's only ever been the silence in between. The silence gives; Oh how it gives, abundantly—hope, comfort, freedom, love, fullness previously unimaginable.
Arise in the silence. Let it arise in the space between me and you. May it give to the heart’s delight. Fearful fragmentation. Oh no, not now. Not ever again!
We stand in the silence, the fearless wholeness. The silence gives. The silence taketh our breath away.
Dance we me in the silence. Let us be danced by its everlasting rhythm only to be found in the space between.
The silence asks, yearns, for only this—to stay and sway.
You say you know the silence, the space between.
Does your silence unite?
Set your heart afire and shine effortlessly through your eyes from me to you? You to me?
Or does your silence reside in a different space between?
One that gives. Oh how it gives—doubts, frustrations, endless swirling thoughts, justifications, and judgments too. Fearful fragmentation.
I want no more, no less, than to dance in the silence of union with you.
It is the calling not of your choosing, not of my choosing too. But it is the destiny of you and me, of us all.
And the beat goes on…between me and you… And the beat rolls on in me and you.
Let us sway and play until the end of days as our silence takes our breath away.