My Old Definition of Health: the absence of dis-ease of the mind and body.
I clung to this understanding more than I realized, and that, my dear, wasn't healthy! Pun most definitely intended!
I outsourced my health, and in doing so, I equated a certain definition of health with safety.
I was safe as long as my labs were normal, irrespective of my body's signals of chronic sinus allergies and digestive problems, especially after having had so many bouts of parasites followed by all those antibiotics.
I didn't limit my understanding of health and safety to the body.
I was safe as long as my mom was in the flesh, I had my coffee, work praised me, friends were near, and the list went on and on...
The Birth of a Definition of Health: I will stand behind this until my last breath!
When something new needs to be born in you, God will get your attention in whatever way possible.
If you don't get the memo in its subtle forms, accumulation will happen. The signs will get bigger and bigger.
The evidence inside and out will be undeniable--Change! Evolve! Become undone and LIVE from a place of deeper integration and true health!
My mom's body died. My lab numbers started falling outside the zone of safety despite my clean eating and healthy lifestyle. I was isolated in rural OK finalizing her estate. Work was nonexistent because I couldn't sustain it and be a caregiver.
What was left? Me and the space to learn how to be with all of me, what I labelled as pretty and shameful.
True Health: being deeply seated in the soul self that never was born and never will die.
Are all my lab numbers "perfect" right now? Nope.
Am I the healthiest I've ever been? Heck yah!
How do I know? What makes me so sure?
A little story: I travelled to a prestigious institution to interview for a position last week. During the four consecutive hours of interviews one night and another six hours the following day, I wasn't seeking approval and validation from the institution. I expressed my concerns freely and respectfully based on what I was learning.
I never would have felt so secure in who I am to do this previously!
I listened to the quiet voice that told me upon waking Saturday morning to withdraw my application. My body, along with my mind and spirit, already has been giving me the signs of validation.
I didn't have a deluge at all of thoughts doubting my action after withdrawing the application. I easily got on with life. I have more energy, and the bloating that was present is minimal without any dietary or lifestyle changes.
Two Practices Keeping Me Anchored in True Health
1. Limiting Stories Notebook: Every time a thought appears that feels like fear, threat, constriction, I write it down in a steno pad with the counter evidence from my life. Literally, every thought! It gets it out of me, and I can see how tricky the mind is in trying to dupe me!
Increase your mental digestion to boost your physical digestion.
2. Post-Meal Side-Lying: I take five minutes after eating to recline on my Leftside. This sends more blood into the stomach (vs. the liver on the right side) to help with digestion. Perhaps more importantly, it slows me down from eating and jumping up to do the next thing. Sometimes, I walk around the block afterwards, other times not. If I'm in public, I sit leaning more the to the left for awhile and/or take a short walk.
Support your physical digestion to improve your mental digestion.
Rewriting a story of health and safety worth living in and by, Tara