To surrender is to align with nature’s cosmic order and clock. To surrender is to return home. While surrender may evoke a wide array of feelings and emotions depending upon the situation, it also transpires on a very practical, tangible level that easily can go unnoticed.
Every time we prepare our food with reverence, we surrender. Every careful selection of spices covering the six tastes, we surrender a little more. From each deep breath we take before we eat, we not only surrender more and more. We become surrender. With the addition of lavender to shortbread, we bring that sweetness of surrender inherent in this flower to our nervous system, brains, and muscles. We become more anchored in ourselves as ourselves. We become home. |
1/2 Cup Wheat Flour (~68 grams) 1 Tablespoon Rice Flour 4 Tablespoons Melted Ghee Jaggery to taste ~1/8 Teaspoon dried lavender Smidge of Salt Instructions