Sometimes to unlock the gift that's inside of you, the gift that is you, you need to shake things up. By immersing yourself in a different environment, you open up to the possibility to see Life and yourself as they truly and always are--made in the image of God!
"The farther the outward journey takes you, the deeper the inward journey must be. Only when your rootsare deep can your fruits be abundant."
(Henry Nouwen)
Mozambique on the Mind & Heart: Join me in 2023!
You are made to go deep, deep with compassion, laughter, presence, wonder, and joy!
Let's Go there Together!
The Soulful Approach
One of the best ways to journey from the head to the heart and awaken more soul power in your life is through immersing yourself in a culture full of soul. Soulful cultures prioritize relationships to the earth, to other people, and to God. Relationships are the fabric of daily life. Soulful cultures honor God in them all. This will be the air that you move through during the immersion and that will move you.
Bow your head. You are on holy ground. You are holy ground. All are holy ground.
Respect: Learn about a new culture and people. Develop a greater sensitivity to the myriad of ways to be fully human and expand your cross-cultural communication and living skills. Taste the many textures of hospitality. Stay in comfort, not excessive luxury.
Soften your eyes, heart, and mind. See without all those "shoulds." Be with Life as life!
Witness: Strengthen your capacity to be with what is by anchoring into your true self. Presence opens you to you and to others.
Welcome the pause. Stillness illuminates. Stillness heals. Stillness moves you into you.
Reflect: Practice diving under any stories about how others or you should be, do, live. Be with what emerges without labeling, judging, or trying to fix anything or anyone, including you!
Drop into your breath and into your body. Move and be moved. Release and replenish.
Balance: Move energy within the more gross layers of your being and watch shifts occur in how you feel and see yourself and others. Tap into the body's natural intelligence to return to equilibrium.
Let Mama Nature wrap her arms around you. Soak up the warmth of her embrace and share it unabashedly.
Rewild: Delight in nature with the intention of honoring how you are made. The elements are around you and in you. Embody devotion's fullness.
Take the risk. Let go of how you should be and feel, what your life should look like. Become undone. Rise into your soul power.
Integrate: Practice choosing nourishment, not what you've been told by others that makes sense. Practice honoring what makes you feel at home in the body and this world. Light your life up. You and only you know how!
Immersions in Depth
Destinations: Immersions will be offered in Eastern and Southern Africa.
Average Trip Length: Immersions will unfold over the course of approximately 7-10 days.
Prior to Departure: You will receive a packet that includes everything from packing suggestions to information on the places and people who will be welcoming you. In addition, journaling prompts and centering practices to initiate the journey before you ever leave home will invite you into deeper connection to yourself and prepare you more fully for the sweetness that awaits you. A virtual gathering will be held for you and the other immersion companions to answer any pending questions, begin the process of community building, and to bless one another and the trip.
During the Immersion: You will indulge in rest. Yes, rest! You will rest from jam packed days to ones filled with breath and easeful flow. You will rest from being tied to the virtual world and focus on life in the flesh. Most importantly, you rest from any mentality that doing is the same as being.
Daily centering practices will provide your body, mind, and senses the space they need to better absorb all the new experiences. Visiting faith-based community development projects focused on serving those on the margins will invite you even more into your soul. Bathing in nature's beauty will bolster your inner connection and life force. Each component will build upon the others to support a well-rounded journey inside and out.
Upon Return: Journaling prompts will be provided to support and nurture you during the initial transition back into your home culture and country. You and your companions will be gifted with more reflection questions to help you integrate your experiences. You also will be invited to two more virtual gatherings to drop once again into the shared space of community to hold one and be held.
Total Journey Commitment: The entire immersion will span the course of four months. During the first month, you will receive your information packet and participate in the community gathering. The second month will be the physical trip. The third and fourth months will consist of one gathering each plus reflection guides.