Tired of wishing you had more enthusiasm for Life, better sleep, or less self-sacrificing tendencies? Do you struggle to shift your habits?
Curious how to evolve your habits while doing less, not more, and connecting to your faith at the same time? Creating the conditions to feel better in your body-mind is much more about consistently melting your heart vs. checking items off a list. Start the new year by making room to hear your heart, tap into your desires, harness your attention, and maintain momentum as you create the conditions for greater ease, satisfaction, and health. 25 January 2025:
Activating Your Divine Blueprint of Health 15 February 2025: Nurturing Health & Wellbeing Time: 10:00AM-11:30AM EDT Sliding Scale: Pay It Forward - $75 USD (1 workshop)/$130 (both workshops) Pay Because You Can - $50 USD (1 workshop)/$80 (both workshops) Pay What You Can - $35 USD (1 workshop)/$50 (both workshops) *Kathleen’s portion of the sales will be donated
to Maryknoll Lay MIssioners |
Tara McKinney is a spiritual innovator, Ayurvedic wellness coach, yoga teacher, and reiki practitioner. In her signature Christian approach to women’s wellness, Tara leverages the wisdom of the Eastern & Western Mystical Traditions combined with the healing arts and modern science to guide women to become their own healers.
Kathleen Bond is a Maryknoll Lay Missioner for over 30 years in Brazil . She currently teaches Chair Yoga, facilitates EcoRetreats on the Chakras, healing, ecology and connection, plus teaches anxiety reducing skills and positive body awareness to elementary and middle schoolers.
Let the Soul Flow!